Benek Babalon Benek Babalon

Diplomacy - Persian Cats

I'm not a diplomat

I just lie a lot

I spoke the truth

But had to stop

Persian cats don't meow

They're censored very hard

They look but aren't seen

Their survival is a complex art

Persian cats don't hiss

They send missiles instead

And when they bite into your tuna

They'll bite it through proxy bread

Persian cats are not a monolith

And make no mistake

Simply because a cat is Persian

Does not a Persian cat make

And the Persian Cat sat across from the Israeli Cat,

Feeling he could take to no end

Really they are quite similar

In another world they might've been friends

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Benek Babalon Benek Babalon

Winston Loves Big Brother

A poem about 1984

Broken mind, seeing blind

There's not much I haven't left behind

Comrade O'Brian,

I apologize for the traitor I saw in my mind

Hard control by soft means

The leash is just what people need

And should you relent your grip

They'll beg to have it back it seems


In my dream, where I am a man

I love Julia and no other

But as the digit I've become I must admit-

Winston Loves Big Brother


We were always at war with Eurasia

A lengthy and bloody euthanasia

They want to take our unfreedoms, allegedly but incidentally-

We were always at war with East Asia


"Freedom isn't free"

But contented for too long, I can't bother

in shame which long became pride I'll admit-

Winston Loves Big Brother

What is a man but... I would't know

Something which I did long but smother

I am but the symptom of his glory

Winston Loves Big Brother

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Benek Babalon Benek Babalon

Reels Fatigue

Im a man of your world brother - Im covered in blood

Im a man of your world sister - my boots are caked in mud

I murdered Issac to show my love of god

I fucked whoever I could and wept, am I still a stud?

Please ask me questions when you film me on the street

Please see my silence as my defeat

I had the news reels flying on repeat

"20 dead on a crowded street" I laughed myself to sleep

Let me question you - a parasite to a whore

Let me question you - who make a living on all fours

Even though I don't at all

(at all)

We're all kings and queens here - crowns of styrofoam

Bleating like goats into cheap streaming microphones

The difference is it's a shame a goat must die for mutton

It's a blessing when we're gone

I'm a man of your world brother- but you are not a man of mine

I'm a man of your world sister - but you're not a woman of mine

I'll be willing, you'll be Abel

Consider this a cold take from he, of a colder time

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Benek Babalon Benek Babalon

The Parable of the Mountainside

And upon a mountain, carved, a great sorrow laid strewn. He, for his name was not and is not renowned, lamented for his child. "Oh, you angels - you devils who stole my child from me. In thy careless hands, in thy shining shameful shimmer you whisked her away from me! And for what?!"

As tears rolled down the man's face, an angel appeared before him. A voice thundered and a branch of olive offered. The man leaped afore the angel, and with fury struck upon his wings. With abandon and the force of grief he consumed the angel. Ripping feather and blood covered the ground where they met, the branch consumed in the fervor. "This?! This pale amalgamation of thy shame is what thou senth me?!"

A devil, pleased at seeing his enemy so desecrated, came near the man. However, he, whom so history hath bled and erased, looked into the devil's eyes with no greater joy. A quick maneuver, and he held the devil's tail. Before the monster's very eyes, he et his tail, he ripped his horns and drank he the blood within in gluttonous rage. The devil screamed in agony as it tried to wrench itself free but to no avail. "Mortal! Mortal! Knowest thou not the cost of!" But the mortal cared not, and in the mouth of the devil, his own hoof lodged deep. The devil saw every step of his own consumption, until finally his breath left him.

The mortal turned, angry, lost within his great fury. He took to him the devil's trident, and with it pierced his chest. He looked into the heavens and through hells "I brook no deals! Give me back she who you took or so shall you and yours suffer. I am Revelation!"

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